Exhibitor Directory

At LongIslandBrideandGroom.com our goal is very simple: to bring brides and businesses together. Planning a wedding today can be time consuming, expensive and difficult. At LongIslandBrideandGroom.com we strive to simplify this task. Our sponsors are some of the finest wedding professionals on Long Island and surrounding area. They can provide helpful advice, useful tips and above all, expert service with the products you need to plan the perfect wedding. Ask lots of questions-- you'll find that our advertisers are here to help make the wedding planning process fun, enjoyable and most importantly a special and memorable event in your life.
Long Island Bride and Groom
Long Business Description

At LongIslandBrideandGroom.com our goal is very simple: to bring brides and businesses together. Planning a wedding today can be time consuming, expensive and difficult. At LongIslandBrideandGroom.com we strive to simplify this task. Our sponsors are some of the finest wedding professionals on Long Island and surrounding area. They can provide helpful advice, useful tips and above all, expert service with the products you need to plan the perfect wedding. Ask lots of questions– you’ll find that our advertisers are here to help make the wedding planning process fun, enjoyable and most importantly a special and memorable event in your life.

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Long Business Description

Everything you need to plan your wedding, literally! Wedding dresses, planning tools, wedding ideas, inspiration, photos, plus the best wedding vendors.

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